Peak™ Universal Bond

Light-Cured Adhesive
Peak Universal Bond adhesive's versatile formulation is ideal for indirect and direct bonding, including post and core procedures. With 7.5% filler, its viscosity has been optimised for minimal film thickness (2μm) and superior strength. The addition of chlorhexidine in Peak Universal Bond adhesive may provide the added benefit of improving long-term bond strengths.
  • Universal adhesive can be used in all bonding procedures, direct and indirect
  • Proven superior bond strengths1–4
  • Added chlorhexidine can ensure long-lasting bonds5–8
  • Available in syringe or bottle delivery
  • Certified gluten free

  1. Price RB, McLeod M, Felix CM. Bond strengths of self-etching bonding systems to dentin and enamel. J Dent Res. 87(Spec Iss A):0825, 2008 (
  2. Clinicians Report, Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2010.
  3. Burgess J, Cakir D. Shear bond strength comparison of six adhesives to dentin with and without the application of chlorhexidine. 2010. Data available upon request.
  4. In-house testing shows the superior bond strengths of Peak Universal Bond. Data available upon request.
  5. Carrilho MRO, Carvalho RM, de Goes MF, et al. Chlorhexidine preserves dentin bond in vitro. J Dent Res. 2007;86(1):90–94.
  6. Carrilho MRO, Geraldeli S, Tay F, et al. In vivo preservation of the hybrid layer by chlorhexidine. J Dent Res. 2007;86(6):529–533.
  7. Brackett WW, Tay FR, Brackett MG, Dib A, Sword RJ, Pashley DH. The effect of chlorhexidine on dentin hybrid layers in vivo. Oper Dent. 2007;32(2):107–111.
  8. Vargas M. Ultramorphological evaluation of the resin-dentin-enamel interface produced by three proprietary self-etching adhesive systems. 2007. Data on file.